Our 7 DevOps Culture Principles that drive success

DevOps is more than just processes and technology tools, it’s a culture, a mindset which forms part of IT in its entirety.
We have been partnering with clients mainly in the financial sector for over 20 years in driving DevOps success. As a business, we practice what we preach and we have adopted our own DevOps culture principals in driving our own digital adoption maturity journey. 

Here are our Fourier IT DevOps Culture Principles that help us achieve IT success:

1. Foster a Collaborative Environment

We encourage development and operations to regularly communicate, share ideas and problem-solve together. Aligning processes helps create a fluid experience across the entire development and deployment process, to minimise surprises along the way.

2. Impose End-to-End Responsibility

One of the core principles of DevOps is the control and responsibility of services from “concept to grave”.  All stakeholders have to work together as a team that is FULLY accountable for the application from beginning to end.

3. Encourage Continuous Improvement

DevOps unites teams to support continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines through optimised processes and automation. Everyone in the organisation must continuously adapt to changing circumstances, whether that may be the emergence of new technology, customer needs, or changes in legislation.

4. Automate (Almost) Everything

We must utilise automated processes in order to strive for continuous improvement with high cycle rates and the ability to immediately respond to client feedback, brands.

5. Focus on the Customer’s Needs

DevOps requires us to act like a lean start-up that can innovate continuously, pivot when a strategy is no longer working and invest in features to deliver client satisfaction constantly.

6. Embrace Failure, and Learn From it

By accepting failure, we foster a “climate for learning” which will positively impact company culture. We believe that when the teams feel psychologically safe and are empowered to radically transform their work, failures can and will occur, and then turn the failures into opportunities to learn.

7. Unite Teams — and Expertise

DevOps teams are required to be involved at every stage of the software development lifecycle, from planning, building, deployment, feedback and improvement. This requires a cross-functional team where each member is well-rounded and has a balanced set of skills.

We have been a trusted parter in driving DevOps success for over 20 years.  Talk to us to develop a DevOps Infrastructure that is customised and scalable within your organisation. 

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