Decommissioning as a Service (DaaS)

Application Decommissioning is a strategic approach for systematically retiring outdated and costly legacy applications—without compromising business needs or compliance requirements.

Embracing digital transformation is a pivotal step for businesses seeking to evolve in the rapidly changing landscape of technology. Our Decommissioning Service plays a crucial role in facilitating this transformative journey by efficiently managing the retirement of outdated systems, applications, and infrastructure.

By systematically decommissioning legacy technologies, we not only streamline your IT environment but also free up valuable resources that can be redirected towards more strategic digital initiatives. This process not only enhances operational efficiency but also mitigates potential security risks associated with obsolete systems.

Our tailored Decommissioning Service ensures a seamless transition, allowing your business to focus on innovation and the implementation of cutting-edge technologies that drive sustainable growth. Embrace the future of digital business with confidence, as our decommissioning expertise paves the way for a smoother, more agile, and technologically advanced enterprise.

Through our strategic decommissioning process, we ensure that we consider all necessary business implications while we phase in and out business tools.
1. Initiation Phase

To appoint the Project Team.
Establishing communication with business. Request for Architecture work.

2. Analysis

The Analysis process involves establishing the objective, vision and end goal of the project.

3. Planning Phase

With any endeavour of this nature that includes technology, process and people, the successful realisation of ROI is fully depended on planning and identifying key milestones and monitoring of progress.

4. Communication Plan

The communication process and plan includes the design, development, and deliver the necessary information and promote employee involvement with the in tented changes regarding the decommissioning service.

5. Decommission Plan

Details about the Change i.e. Requestors Details, Type of Change whether it is a decommission of the system/ Replacement of the existing system, the Date and Time of when the change will take place.

6. CAB

The CAB is an integral part of a defined change-management process designed to balance the need for change with the need to minimize inherent risks

7. Execute Plan

This phase of the service is to start with decommissioning the systems as planned with the required plan.

8. Post Implementation

Post Implementation review is the investigation that is done by all the prime stakeholders of change management, after implementing the change ensuring all planned milestones are completed

We partner with global technology leaders to keep your technology ahead of time:

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Chris van der Berg

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